Easter - Chocolate and knitting

Monday, April 5, 2010

I should have taken a photo of our one and only very very large Easter bunny which we shared - he was very smart, with a green spotted ribbon around his neck, and made totally from dark chocolate other than his two white teeth. Eddie adores milk chocolate but I can't stand it so I very selfishly bought a dark one knowing that we'd be sharing.

As I said, it was very large and I have no desire to eat chocolate again since we demolished it in what seems to have been a very short period of time on Sat night while watching a movie.

P.S. It was made by Bennetts of Mangawhai and I can highly recommend them!!

So apart from chocolate demolishing, a spot of gardening, a trip to Tauranga to see my brother and some wool shopping, I also did some knitting - how unusual ......

I made a bit of a booboo colourwise and started knitting this lovely pinky/light mauve ribbon yarn with dark purple - wrong, wrong wrong - they did absolutely nothing for each other and I ended up undoing it all and starting again with a lilac colour base - so much better ... So I knitted a creamy one as well.


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